雅思口语考试对我们国内考生来说是一个软肋,口语低分为什么?其中一个重要的原因就是我们和鬼子的思维模式不一样,所以想要拿到人家考试的高分,还就得学学人家的思维模式。模仿不像没关系,但要去模仿!下面的例子很简单,要我们去学习的,是老外答题的思路与模式。 举例说明:以下是雅思口语考官常问的问题 Question: How has your hometown changed in recent years? Answer: Well, my hometown was dirty before. But it is clean now and there are many tall buildings(4分) 解题思路: 你一定要比较这个事物的过去和现在,既然有变化,就会有过去的状态和现在的状态,这是毋庸置疑的,并且你还要说明为什么会有这样的变化。 要讨论这个事物变化的影响,是变好了还是变坏了,或者好坏两者兼有,总之,这个变化会对你或这个社会造成一定的影响。 就是要举例说明来支持你的观点,为什么你觉得这种变化是好的,或者是坏的。 完整的高分答案框架: 简单介绍现在完成时的使用,并说明变化的程度。 内容:几个变化的方面。 讲述过去,使用过去时态,讲述这几个方面的过去状态。 讲述变化,说明变化原因,看这几个方面发生了怎样的变化。 讲述现在,使用现在时和形容词的比较级。 结论:变化的影响,是好的方面。 My hometown has experienced rapid growth in recent years. The streets are wider and the buildings are cleaner. In the past, the streets in my hometown were very narrow and the buildings were old and dirty. However, because of the economic development due to tourism, the streets are now much wider and cleaner and the building are more modern. Overall, I think this is a good development for my hometown. |